How to Stop Sensitive Teeth Pain Immediately



Did you know that oral diseases are the most common noncommunicable diseases?

Are you looking to find out how to stop sensitive teeth pain immediately? Not to worry! In this guide, we’ll go over the causes and how to lessen teeth pain.

Want to learn more? Keep reading to find out.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Enamel protects the layer of dentin on healthy teeth while gums protect tooth roots. If the gum line recedes or the enamel wears down, the dentin will become exposed. Dentin’s connected to the nerve that can trigger pain in sensitive teeth.

If you use a hard-bristled toothbrush, throw it out. You can wear down your enamel by using that type of brush or brushing in a rough manner. If you have periodontal disease, your gums can recede and expose the dentin.

Are you a teeth grinder? Grinding or clenching your jaw can wear down the enamel as well.

Some people who use certain mouthwashes can damage their dentin. There are acids in over-the-counter mouthwashes that will make tooth sensitivity worse. Try a neutral fluoride mouthwash and avoid acidic foods.

Whitening treatments can contain harsh chemicals that remove stains. These treatments could also remove the enamel leading to further tooth sensitivity.

You might have sensitive teeth after dental treatment. The recent work on your teeth might have inflamed the pulp in your teeth. This can cause temporary pain.

Wait up to four weeks. If the pain worsens or remains, book an appointment with your dentist.

Try These Methods at Home

If you have teeth sensitivity, you can change up your oral hygiene routine and lessen the pain. Try desensitizing toothpaste.

Ask your dentist what brand they recommend. You could also try out a few different brands until you find the one you prefer.

Make sure you switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush and use fluoridated mouthwash. Pick up a mouth guard if you think you’re grinding your teeth at night.

To reduce inflammation, try a salt water rinse. Gargle with salt water twice every day. Stir together half a teaspoon of salt and a cup of lukewarm water. Swish this solution for up to thirty seconds and spit it out.

Potential Routes Dentists Will Take

Dentists might recommend crowns or inlays to fix decay or a tooth flaw causing the pain. You could also undergo a surgical gum graft. This procedure can help protect the root. In turn, this will reduce sensitivity if the gum tissue has eroded.

A last-resort treatment is a root canal. You might undergo this treatment if you have persistent and severe tooth sensitivity. Talk it over with a dental professional to find out more. BlueWave Dentistry can review your case.

How to Stop Sensitive Teeth Pain Immediately

We hope you found this guide on sensitive teeth helpful. Talk to a dentist to learn more about how to stop sensitive teeth pain immediately.

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5 Stress Relief Products That Actually Work


In our modern society, it’s not exactly difficult to become stressed. Stresses lurk around every corner, just waiting to send our minds into meltdown mode. 

Fortunately, there are products available to help with these matters. Looking for some stress relief products? Then read on because we’re going to cover 5 of them below. 

1. CBD

At this moment in time, one of the most popular stress relief products on the market is CBD or cannabidiol. An extract of cannabis, it provides many of the benefits of THC but without the extreme high. 

CBD can be consumed in many forms. It can be swallowed as a capsule, absorbed as a tincture, smoked as CBD shatter, or vaped through a vaporizer pen. Every form of consumption offers different benefits and drawbacks, so read up on each before making a choice. 

2. Essential Oil Diffuser

Another product that you might consider is an essential oil diffuser. These devices vaporize essential oils and output them in mist form. In doing so, they help to create a relaxing and therapeutic environment. 

When using an essential oil diffuser, you’re advised to use 100% natural essential oils. There are plenty of artificial products out there, none of which are regulated by the FDA. Only 100% natural products are guaranteed to be effective (and safe!). 

3. Weighted Blanket

If your stress keeps you up at night, you might consider making use of a weighted blanket. These blankets weigh between 5 and 30 pounds and can go a long way in improving the quality of sleep in stressed and anxious individuals. 

While weighted blankets haven’t proven successful for everyone, studies show that they offer results for many. They’re available online for between $30 and $100. 

4. Shiatsu Massager

Shiatsu massage is a form of Japanese massage designed to reduce anxiety and depression. By making use of Shiatsu massage on a regular basis, you’re bound to experience stress relief over time. 

Of course, paying for massages on a regular basis isn’t exactly financially feasible.

But do you know what is? Buying a Shiatsu massaging device. These devices can be taken anywhere and are available for between $40 and $100. 

5. Adult Coloring Book

Coloring isn’t just for kids. Adults can get in on the act as well. 

But why waste your time coloring? Because it’s not only fun but relaxing as well. As such, it can go a long way in relieving stress. 

There are all sorts of adult coloring books on the market today. Regardless of your preferences, there’s sure to be a coloring book that accommodates you. 

These Stress Relief Products are Worth a Try

While these stress relief products might not necessarily do the trick for you, they’re, at very the least, worth a try. Many individuals have found success in using them, and you could very well be the next. 

5 Natural Nutrients to Boost Your Health With Micronutrients Diets


When people embark on a personal journey to achieve a healthy lifestyle, they typically start doing a few different things.

They regulate the number of calories that they intake.

They exercise more.

They start practicing better sleep habits.

But what’s something that few people do? Track their micronutrient intake.

However, the truth of the matter is that micronutrients play a massive role in how your body performs. If you want your body to reach peak performance, then you need to start considering the benefit of micronutrients diets.

Knowing which micronutrients you need and how to get them, however, is hardly the most straightforward thing to learn. Fortunately for you, we’re here to help. In this article, we’ll list five essential micronutrients that you need to be consuming and how you can make that happen.

1. Vitamin B1

The first micronutrient that we’ll discuss is perhaps one of the most core ones to your body’s functionality. Vitamin B1’s role is to assist in the breakdown of other nutrients into usable energy.

It doesn’t matter if you’re taking supplements for all the other nutrients on this list, if you aren’t getting enough vitamin B1, your body won’t know what to do with them! To get more vitamin B1 in your diet, start eating dried milk, oranges, and pork.

2. Omega3 Fatty Acids

healthy mind is part of a healthy body. Omega3 fatty acids will help you get your mind on track with your physically fit body.

These fatty acids help the brain to perform at peak output for longer periods of time. That translates into you getting more work done. They occur naturally in fish oil, so start including more seafood into your diet if you aren’t already.

3. Calcium

When you were a kid, your parents probably told you that you had to drink your milk so that your bones could grow strong. Well, the nutrient that makes this happen is calcium!

Calcium intake is particularly important for the elderly. Bones naturally deteriorate with age. One of the ways to combat that is with ample calcium intake, which can be accomplished with more dairy consumption.

4. Vitamin C

Vitamin C does several things for your body. One of its principal functions is developing collagen, one of the elements that contribute to healthy skin. If you’ve been fighting skin problems for years, then try adding more citrus to your diet: oranges, lemons, and limes will all work.

5. Fulvic Acid

Fulvic acid is a soil-based organism that works to boost your immunity. In an age of worldwide pandemics, your immunity needs all the help it can get. To boost fulvic acid intake, eat more vegetables and add a fulvic acid supplement to your daily regimen.

Incorporate Micronutrients Diets for a Healthier You

There you have it. Now you know more about micronutrients diets and how they can help you live a healthier, more all-rounded lifestyle.

Does Acceledent Actually Work?



Do you worry about your teeth and the way your smile looks? Do you have braces but can’t wait to have them removed?

If you are in one or both of these categories, you may have heard about AcceleDent. AcceleDent is a new technology designed to rapidly speed up the process of fixing your teeth. 

But, the questions everyone wants answered are: Does AcceleDent work? Can it really reduce the time you have to wear braces and straighten your teeth? Read on to find out the truth here.

What Is AcceleDent?

To know whether or not it works, it is useful to learn a little bit about AcceleDent. AcceleDent is an orthodontic product that helps to remodel your teeth. It is a hands-free device that you put over your teeth for around 20 minutes each day. The user just has to bite down lightly on the molds to keep it in place.  

The molds for your teeth are connected to a lightweight activator that releases micropulses to the molds. These micropulses are transferred through the teeth to the surrounding bones, promoting movement. The pulses are accurately calibrated to ensure bone movement occurs safely and comfortably.

The AcceleDent system is used alongside other orthodontic treatments like braces, clear braces, or Invisalign. That means you can’t skip over these other treatments altogether. However, by using AccelDent, you can get rid of them faster. 

Does AcceleDent Work?

The main benefit of the treatment is reducing the amount of time the patient needs to spend with braces or Invisalign. AcceleDent has been clinically proven to speed up tooth movement by up to 50%. Given that some patients may require braces for at least one year, cutting that time in half makes a big difference. 

Another really positive benefit of AcceleDent is that it can significantly increase the comfort of the patient as their teeth and bones are realigned. This will be very comforting to you, particularly if you require extensive orthodontic repositioning. 

If you are unsure still, you might feel good about the fact that AccelDent is the first and only orthodontic vibration device that has been approved by the FDA. This is a good indicator that the product is both safe and medically proven. 

If you are interested or still concerned whether AcceleDent does work, you should seek out professional advice about accelerated orthodontic work. 

The Verdict

AcceleDent really does work. It has gone through a number of clinical trials and it has been approved by the FDA. So, does AcceleDent work?

The verdict is that this treatment can really assist doctors and patients in achieving positive results. Not only can the patient’s teeth be realigned more quickly, but AcceleDent can also make this process more comfortable. 

Perhaps most importantly, AcceleDent has been shown to be a safe and healthy way of achieving a straighter smile. 

So, now you know it works. If you have braces or you are thinking about getting them, you can probably worry a little less about the process. 

Aging and Sleep: 11 Sleeping Tips for Older Adults



Failing to get a good night’s sleep can impact how we function during the day. It can impact our cognitive abilities and memory.

The sleep you need also changes over time. As a senior, this might mean that you go to bed much earlier than you did at a younger age but you also get up earlier too. 

Aging and sleep issues often go hand in hand. You may not need as much sleep as you once did, but seniors still need 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night to feel rested. 

If you’re a senior struggling to get a good night’s sleep, read on for a list of tips to help you get the sleep you need.

1. Consider Underlying Health Issues First

While it’s true that many seniors struggle with sleep issues, there are times when these issues are a secondary side effect of other health-related conditions.  

Some health problems that commonly cause sleep problems include:

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease 
  • Lung or heart conditions
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Urinary issues from an enlarged prostate or overactive bladder
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Also, take a close look at medications that might be creating side effects that are impacting sleep habits. 

2. Get Rid of Daytime Naps

Sure, we all love a good snooze in our chair late in the afternoon. Yet, these little cat naps can actually be preventing you from sleeping at night. 

Your body only needs so much sleep. When you take those naps during the day, you are making it harder for yourself to fall asleep later. 

If you feel yourself getting sleepy during the day, ask yourself if you have had enough water today. 

Instead of staying put when you feel sleepy, try getting up and moving around a bit. If you know you’re normally sleepy in the afternoons, plan to take a short walk then. 

If you must nap, try hard to limit your nap time to 20 minutes. This prevents you from getting into a deep sleep that will take away from your slumber time later.

3. Pay Attention to Your Diet

The diet of a senior can also impact their sleep. 

Caffeine, especially late in the day, can affect your ability to sleep later. Alcohol is another sleep busting culprit. While some believe alcohol might help them go to sleep, it actually disrupts sleep rhythms.

Watch sugar intake and remember that sugar is hidden in many foods like white bread and pasta. The higher levels of sugar in your body can interrupt your sleep later in the night. 

Likewise, a meal of spicy foods can cause indigestion that keeps you awake late at night. 

Do you wake up many times during the night needing to go to the bathroom? Try limiting your liquid intake for an hour or two before bed. 

Before bed try a light snack like a banana or yogurt and consider taking vitamins that help you sleep.

4. Get Daytime Exercise

When you exercise, your body will release chemicals. These chemicals help you get a restful night’s sleep later. You might be thinking, “I don’t get around well, how can I exercise?” 

There are many options for movement and exercise, even for those who have some mobility issues. 

Swimming and water aerobics are great aerobic exercises that don’t have the impact on your joints than some other exercises might. Take up golf or tennis to get moving. Even doing some daily gardening helps to get you moving. 

Can’t go for a three-mile walk anymore? That’s okay, you can still do several small walks each day. 

For those that want to stretch their muscles but have more limits, many seniors are enjoying chair yoga

5. Work on a Sleep Routine

When you have an infant, you teach them about how to go to sleep. With children, you also establish bedtime routines that help them prepare to go to sleep. 

As a senior, you need sleep routines too. When you have fewer commitments, it’s easy to get off on your schedule. 

To get the best sleep and to make sure your body knows when to sleep and when to wake up, you need to stick to a sleep routine. This means you go to bed at the same time each night. 

If you feel sleepy earlier than you used to, then adjust your bedtime. Going to bed at the same time each night helps your body know it’s time to sleep. 

Also, get up at the same time each morning. 

6. Create Bedtime Rituals

When we were little our parents would read us a story before bed. We got a kiss goodnight and maybe said our bedtime prayers. 

There’s a reason parents universally create these bedtime rituals with kids. It works to tell our brain and body it’s time to sleep. The same is true as a senior. 

Maybe you take a hot bath before bed. You could play some relaxing music.  Practice some deep breathing exercises to calm your body. 

Put on comfortable pajamas that make you relax. An hour before bed, try even having a decaf cup of tea or warm milk. 

7. Bedrooms for Sleep and Sex Only

You (and your brain) need to view your bedroom as the place where you sleep and have intimate interactions. 

So, often in today’s world, we move the TV into the bedroom. Pretty soon, you’re laying in bed watching TV late into the night, instead of sleeping. 

Avoid setting up a desk in your bedroom for hobbies or work-related activities. 

Think about your bed coverings. Do you wake up too hot in the night? You want your room to be cooler, so maybe think about a fan. It creates white noise and helps to keep you cool while you sleep.

Layer your bedding so it’s easy to push back some layers if you want to be cooler while you sleep.

8. Get Rid of Late Night Stimuli

Your brain needs time to shut down and get ready for sleep. It will help this to happen when you avoid overstimulation a few hours before bed. 

This means avoiding electronics if at all possible. Watching the blood pumping movie might be interesting but your body is then filled with adrenaline and not ready for sleep. 

Likewise, try to avoid using your electronic devices like a phone, iPad, or e-reader before bed. They all have blue light that can impact your brain and prevent it from settling down for sleep.

9. Address the Stress in Your Life

No matter your age, stress happens. When a person is feeling stressed and anxious, their brain works overtime, and falling asleep can feel impossible. 

When we worry or feel anxiety, our minds work overtime. So, you need to find a way to address the stressors you feel. 

Find a friend to talk through your worries with. Keep a journal. Sometimes just writing them down on paper helps work them out in your mind. 

Practice deep breathing and soft stretching to release some of the anxiety from your body.

When you go to bed feeling stressed, choose a happy memory to relive inside your head and focus on the memory instead of the worries.

10. Consider Snoring Issues

Whether you are the snorer or you sleep next to someone who snores, you know it can greatly impact restful sleep. 

If you are the snorer, talk to your doctor. The doctor can order a sleep study to evaluate your level of sleep apnea. C-pap machines help with breathing while snoring and can change the quality of your sleep.

Sometimes just finding the right pillow can change the angle of your head and help with snoring. 

11. Avoid Using Sleep Aids

If you’re not sleeping well and are feeling desperate for a good night’s sleep, it’s understandable to want to take a sleep aid.

A sleep aid, whether over the counter or prescription, can provide some temporary relief, it doesn’t address the issues related to insomnia. 

The pill might help you sleep one night, yet it is masking the reasons for your insomnia.  

Sure,  you might just want a decent night’s sleep. In the long run, you’re better off trying to figure out why you are having insomnia and address those issues instead of covering them up with a sleep aid.

Understanding the Impacts of Aging and Sleep

As we age our sleep patterns change and our sleep needs change. But just because you are aging doesn’t mean you don’t need a good night’s sleep. 

If you’re struggling with aging and sleep-related issues, try one or more of these tips to get you the good night’s sleep you deserve. 

For more interesting articles like this one, be sure to visit our page often.

Understanding the Different Skin Cancer Types and How to Prevent Them



But just what types of skin cancers are dangerous, and how can you prevent yourself from getting skin cancer?

There are a few skin cancer types that vary in severity and can be prevented with different treatments. 

What is Skin Cancer?

Skin cancer is what happens when the cells that make up your skin begin to mutate into cancer cells that divide out of control. It is the most common type of cancer that occurs in the United States to this day. 

While skin cancer usually occurs on skin that is exposed to sunlight, it can also form in the lower layers of skin and be harder to detect. 

Skin Cancer Types and Treatment Options

While there are many different types of skin cancer, there are four common types that will be discussed. Here are the signs, symptoms, and treatments for each type of common skin cancer.

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma is among the most common and least worrisome type of skin cancer. It often develops on areas of the skin that are the most exposed to sunlight, including the scalp, face, and neck area.

It shows itself as a mildly transparent bump on the skin, though it can take other forms as well. Some signs of this type of cancer can include:

  • Pearly white bumps on the skin, or a bump of skin with a translucent outside; these often have visible blood vessels underneath and has a tendency to rupture or bleed
  • Brown, black, or blue lesions with a raised, translucent border
  • Scaly reddish patches on the back or chest
  • Waxy white lesions without a visible border

While basal cell carcinoma is usually not dangerous, you should contact a doctor if you notice any sudden changes to an existing bump, or if a bump that was previously removed has resurfaced. 

If you should discover a bump on your skin, don’t worry—basal cell carcinoma can usually be removed with a simple skin biopsy, or removing the small piece of cancerous skin. Cases of basal cell carcinoma spreading or developing into other types of cancer are rare, but you should still talk with your doctor about it to be safe.

Dr. Johnny Gurgen specializes in the removal of skin cancers and can help you to make sure your skin is healthy again. 


Melanoma is a far more serious type of skin cancer that can develop anywhere on the body, though it primarily appears in areas of skin that are exposed to sunlight. The most at-risk individuals for developing melanoma are women under 40 years old, though anyone is capable of getting it. 

Melanomas often begin as changes to existing moles, such as growths or darkened skin. However, they can also appear suddenly on otherwise normal skin.

There are steps you can take to find out if your mole is normal and healthy. Check to see if it:

  1. Has an irregular border or shape
  2. Has changed in color noticeably
  3. Has grown larger than 6 millimeters in diameter
  4. Has changed in either look, size, or sensation, such as if it has grown itchy or painful over time

If any of the above circumstances are true, then you should go to get it checked by a doctor, as it may be a melanoma. It’s crucial to catch this type early so that it doesn’t go unchecked.

Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer

Nonmelanoma skin cancer is a broad term used to describe any cancer that isn’t melanoma. This encompasses any rarer type of skin cancer, and as such has a variety of treatment options depending on the type of cancer involved.

These types of cancers will often need to be removed through surgery; if you’ve noticed any odd changes to your skin that you can’t account for, talk with your doctor about nonmelanoma skin cancer today.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Skin

While not life-threatening, squamous cell carcinoma of the skin can be a particularly aggressive form of cancer that can cause serious damage if left untreated. This is because it tends to form in deeper layers of the skin. 

This type of cancer is also prone to spreading along the skin and through other parts of the body as well. If you notice any new, painful red sores on your skin or inside of your mouth that doesn’t go away on its own, you should talk with your doctor immediately.

How to Prevent Skin Cancer

Fortunately, there are many different ways that you can protect yourself from getting skin cancer. Certain lifestyle changes and protective measures can help to keep you safe from skin cancer, such as:

  • Keeping away from direct sunlight, tanning beds, and other forms of UV light
  • Wearing sunscreen year-round while outside
  • Wearing protective clothing to prevent sun damage
  • Examining your skin frequently for changes or variations in moles or bumps

By keeping these tips in mind and checking yourself regularly, you can help protect yourself from developing skin cancer. 

Keep Your Skin Healthy

Now that you know the different skin cancer types and how to prevent them, you’re ready to start living your new healthy life with proper precautions in place. Keep yourself healthy, happy, and cancer-free, and remember to check your skin frequently for any potential changes. 

What have you learned about skin cancer? Have you had experiences with any of the above skin cancers that you’d like to share?

We’d love to hear your thoughts! Be sure to leave a comment with your story down below, and any tips you have for protecting yourself against skin cancer.